Big Brother’ Amazon targeted in fight with Mukesh Ambani over Kishore Biyani's Future
By: By Saritha Rai, Bloomberg
A battle between Inc. and
Reliance Industries NSE -0.81 % Ltd.
to dominate India’s $1 trillion
consumer market is stoking nationalist
rhetoric in a courtroom and outside, as
the two companies tussle over the
future of a distressed local retailer.
At the center of the case is Amazon’s
eorts to block Reliance’s planned
purchase of Future Group’s assets, saying the Indian retailer violated a
contract by agreeing to a sale to a rival controlled by billionaire Mukesh
Ambani. The Delhi High Court is now weighing if the U.S. e-commerce giant
has any legal basis to object to the transaction and a ruling is expected in
The legal spat has not only revealed the intensity of the ght between two of
the world’s richest men -- Je Bezos and Ambani -- but has also sparked a
“foreign versus local” debate. A lawyer for Future, in his argument, painted
Amazon as the “Big Brother in America” out to crush a small local company,
while a retailer lobby group declared its “support to Indian company Future
Group in its ght against Foreign Amazon.”
For its part, Amazon wants Indian courts and regulators to enforce a business
contract in what it views as a commercial dispute. If Future is allowed to
renege on its contract with Amazon, it may signal to global investors that
investments in India are risky, the U.S. company alleges. That is an
inconvenient image at a time when Prime Minister Narendra Modi needs
foreign investment to create jobs and reboot an economy pummeled by the
The stakes are high for both Amazon and Reliance. Securing Future’s assets
will give Reliance, already India’s biggest retailer, an unparalleled edge in a
market where most of the consumers still prefer shopping in stores. That’s an
advantage Amazon is not willing to cede. Nor is Amazon willing to be
upstaged by nationalistic arguments after losing ground to home-grown rivals
in China. India, with its billion-plus consumers, is eectively the last big
growth frontier.
Amazon wants Indian courts and regulators to
enforce a business contract in what it views as a
commercial dispute.
English Edition | 25 November, 2020, 03:10 PM IST | E-Paper
Ambani, 63, has been playing the nationalist card as well. The tycoon, who’s
been warning against data colonization since 2018, often presents Reliance as
a homegrown champion and its telecommunications, retail and digital
ventures as nation-building initiatives.
Vocalfor Local
This week, Reliance Retail introduced the “Indie” and “Swadesh” -- meaning
from one’s own country -- taglines on its e-commerce websites to promote
indigenous handicrafts and textiles, dovetailing with Modi’s call to be “Vocal
for Local.” In a key May speech, Modi mentioned “self-reliance” at least 17
times during a 33-minute address to the nation.
In August, Reliance announced the $3.4 billion purchase of the indebted
Future Group that was straining under a severe cash crunch triggered by the
coronavirus-led slump. Amazon, which holds a 49% stake in an unlisted
Future Group entity, objected to this transaction and secured an order from a
Singapore arbitration court that temporarily put the asset sale on hold. Future
petitioned against this freeze-order in the Delhi High Court.
EastIndia Co.
Harish Salve, the celebrity lawyer representing listed Future Retail Ltd., told
the court that Amazon was behaving “like the East India Company of the 21st
century.” Amazon’s stand is “either you do business with me or you shut
down,” he said, stressing that an aborted asset sale deal will lead to thousands
of job losses and bankruptcy.
The East India Company -- formed by a group of British merchants who
arrived in India in the 17th century to trade in spices and ended up colonizing
the country for centuries -- has been an unpleasant memory in Indian history.
This emotive reference marks the latest Indian versus outsider dispute this
year that also saw Google face pushback from Indian startups and over 200
apps from Chinese technology companies being banned following a military
clash along the Indo-China border.
“Amazon has no investment in Future Retail,” Salve said in court. “Reliance
wants to buy, but I have to ask Big Brother in America?” he said, asking if an
overseas rm should be allowed to control an Indian company’s business
$6.5 Billion
Amazon’s lawyer Gopal Subramanium, India’s former attorney general,
countered that the American e-tailer was no Big Brother or East India
Company and had in fact introduced Future Retail to a prospective investor to
ease its distress. Amazon has created thousands of jobs and invested $6.5
billion in India so far, he said.
Reliance’s lawyer has argued that the Singapore arbitration tribunal’s
emergency order halting the transaction isn’t recognized by Indian law and
the deal is crucial to save the retailer from collapse. BACK TO TOP
These arguments in court were prompted by a Future Group legal petition
after Amazon had written to India’s market and antitrust regulators apprising
them of the Singapore arbitration order of an interim stay.
Amazon suered its rst setback in the case last week, when the antitrust
regulator, Competition Commission of India, approved the Reliance-Future
deal. Earlier, Reliance said it intends to complete the transaction “without any
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