Rs 730,000 crore in CGRA account can’t be transferred to govt
Indian Express Aug 29, 2019 The Central Board of the Reserve Bank of India has decided not to transfer any amount from the CGRA (currency and gold revaluation account), which has Rs 730,000 crore of unrealised gains, to the government as recommended by the Bimal Jalan committee. Advertising CGRA comprises unrealised gains or losses on foreign currency assets and gold due to movement in exchange rate and prices of gold. There will be no distribution of unrealised revaluation balances. This effectively means bulk of the RBI’s Rs 10 lakh crore surplus — mostly lying in CGRA — can’t be touched. This policy, as proposed by the committee, will be in vogue for the next five years. The contention of the RBI Board as well as the Jalan committee is that central bank doesn’t have the money in its CRGA account as it’s unrealised balance. For the year ended June 2018, the RBI had total reserves of Rs 9.6 lakh crore, comprising mainly CGRA (Rs 6.91 lakh crore) and contingency f...