Climate change: IITs to develop vulnerability map for 12 Himalayan states
The Indian Express, March 18, 2019 Last week, IIT Guwahati, IIT Mandi and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore announced collaboration in a pan-Indian, multi-institutional initiative to develop a ‘Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the Indian Himalayan Region Using a Common Framework’. The exercise is unique because for the first time all the 12 Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) states have used a common framework resulting in the production of comparable state-level and within state, district-level vulnerability maps. “Such comparable vulnerability assessments are useful for government officials, implementers, decision-makers, funding agencies and development experts to have a common understanding on vulnerability, enabling them to assess which state in IHR is more vulnerable, what has made them vulnerable, and how they might address these vulnerabilities,” the institutes said in a statement. The principle investigators of the project are Anamika Barua (IIT ...