Potato growers sow seeds of hope for better varieties
Rutam Vora Ahmedabad | Updated on January 30, 2020 Chetan Padhiar, a potato farmer from Deesa in North Gujarat has faced all those losses that other potato growers in the country had to bear when prices slumped to a record low of less than a rupee for a kg. “In the past four years, potato prices have remained low due to over-production. Farmers experiment with new varieties and believe that their variety may be absorbed by processors at higher prices. But eventually, they end up flooding the market with their rejected potato, causing prices to tumble,” Padhiar told Businesline, who was attending the 3rd Global Potato Conclave 2020 being held in Gandhinagar on January 28-30. Padhiar grows table potato (used for household consumption) variety on his 100 acres of land. “I'll first watch other farmers succeed in processing variety of potatos before venturing into it,” he said. The concerns, according to farmers, are on two fronts. One is the availability of quality seeds...