About 56.1 per cent Indians fall victim to discount scams: McAfee
Business Line Published By: Anonymous 60.7 per cent were victims of fake charities, with scammers impersonating genuine trusts to ask for donations, the study says With online Christmas shopping on the rise, about 56.1 per cent Indians have fallen victim to discount scams, by clicking on links that took them to a sketchy website, according to a study by McAfee. In its survey, ‘A Christmas Carol: Scam Edition’, which highlights how the year end festivities present a variety of threats, McAfee said that Indians are falling victim to scams resulting from deceiving apps. While cybercriminal activity continues to grow in sophistication, popular scams like email phishing (25.3 per cent) and text phishing (21.1 per cent) still result in close to a quarter of Indians being duped throughout the season, it said in a statement. As the number of tech savvy generation of online shoppers continue to surge, 35.4 per cent of Indians confess to have been conned by discount scams, w...