Live Mint, July 29, 2019 With India’s plans for its inaugural overseas bond sale shrouded in confusion, investors are assessing the government’s options for the $10 billion offering. The departure of the official handling the sale and reports of opposition from the prime minister’s office have left investors wondering if India will press ahead with a foreign-currency debt sale, opt for the issuance of rupee-denominated notes known as Masala bonds, or ease foreign ownership limits on local markets instead. On Sunday, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman was quoted by the Economic Times as saying that her office isn’t reviewing the plan, which has faced criticism from the start. Yields on the benchmark 10-year bond climbed 16 basis points last week, the most since last April, as traders speculated that the government could instead end up selling more local debt. “Investors want clarity, clear communication and better visibility," said Sergey Dergachev, senior portfolio man...