Bilderberg Conference 2019: What happens in the secretive meet of the world's most powerful people?
Business Today June 06, 2019 You probably have never heard of them, and there's a good reason for it. For 66 years the Bilderberg Conference, an unofficial conclave of the Western world's 100 most powerful people, has been meeting in secluded places under a complete media blackout. Invitees usually are from business, politics, intelligence and defence, with a smattering of newspaper editors who are sworn not to reveal who said what at the conference. On June 4, 2019, they concluded their 67th meeting in Montreux, Switzerland. The security at these annual gatherings should give you an idea of how powerful the invitees are: air force jets fly overhead, commandoes ring the outer perimeter, and the local police are known to rough up anyone coming close to the conference venue. Officially, the Bilderbergs do not exist. Only once in their history, after being harried by a small group of non-mainstream journalists, they were forced to issue a statement, saying they nee...