Combating the animosity towards auditors
Rather than blaming auditors for lapses, it may be worth shifting focus to improving regulation and conduct in the field An auditor is a watchdog, not a bloodhound. This time-tested statement, which was perceived as the gospel truth for several decades, is now being put to its toughest test by regulators, the media and the society at large. Recent alleged audit lapses have led to a hue and cry, and seem to have launched a virtual surgical strike on one of the most trusted professions in this country. This raises a million-dollar question — Is this an overreaction of sorts or has discontent been brewing over time, now resulting in an explosion? Lawyers, teachers, doctors and auditors have been the backbone of our society from time immemorial. The fabric of the family system and its businesses was stitched effectively by some outstanding lawyers, exemplary teachers, workaholic doctors and meticulous auditors. All problems of a family were solved by the sagacious advice of these...