India’s economy is in crisis – and adulation for Abhijit Banerjee’s methods won’t solve it
Scroll.In October 23, 2019 By- Abhijeet Banerjee The Nobel winner is being championed by liberals because of his criticism of Modi. But his work contributes to reproducing poverty and inequality. News of Indian-born economist Abhijit Banerjee’s Nobel Prize win has been met with a triumphal response in the Indian media. Excerpts of his forthcoming book have been circulated. Several interviews with him have been published. His mother has been featured in the news, not only to express her pride at her son’s achievement but also because she was invited by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee to comment on poverty policy over tea. This much is par for the course in a country where the media is practiced in expressing unthinking adulation. What is surprising is how the media has positioned Banerjee’s prize (which he shares with Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer)as a slap in the face of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose economic policies Banerjee has criticised in the p...