Chennai in crisis as authorities blamed for dire water shortage
The Guardian, By Amrit Dhillon, June 19, 2019 Authorities in Chennai have been criticised for failing to deal with a crippling water shortage that has brought the Indian city to crisis point, leaving taps dry in homes and forcing schools, offices and restaurants to close as temperatures soar. The four reservoirs supplying the bulk of the city’s drinking water have completely dried up, leading the Chennai Metro Water to cut the water it provides by about 40%. The crisis in India’s sixth largest city comes as the country struggles to deal with a heatwave that has caused hundreds of deaths, with 184 people killed just in the eastern state of Bihar. Temperatures reached 48C near the airport in Delhi last week and above 50C in Rajasthan. The water shortage in Chennai started several weeks ago and Madras’s high court has criticised the Tamil Nadu state government for inaction. The court accused the government on Tuesday of waiting passively for the arrival of the monsoon in...