Business Line
53% of cadastral maps are digitised: Rural Development Ministry
About 90
per cent of villages in India have computerised the Records of Right (RoR), the
basic primary record that shows land rights and property transactions. About 53
per cent of cadastral maps showing the boundaries and ownership of land parcels
have been digitised, the Ministry of Rural Development told the Rajya Sabha on
December 13.
The Centre,
through the Digital lndia Land Records Modernisation Programme (DILRMP), is
providing financial assistance to the States for the computerisation of land
“Till date,
the computerisation of RoR has been completed in 5,91,221 (90 per cent)
villages out of 6,55,959 villages across the country, and 66,60,226 (53 per
cent) cadastral maps have been digitised out of 1,24,92,526 cadastral maps,”
the Ministry stated.
Along with
some States in the North East, Kerala (43.24 per cent) and Jammu and Kashmir
(9.32 per cent) are lagging behind in the computerisation of land records.
integrated land information management system under the DILRMP provides online,
single-window, at-a-glance access to all available and relevant information to
give a fair comprehensive position of any plot of land. The move helps reduce
land disputes and checks fraudulent and benami transactions.
Digitisation of land records does not require any fee from the land owners, the
Ministry added.
Farmers hopeful
have expressed hope that the online system will help to weed out corruption at
the village and district levels.
“We have to
pay money for everything,” said farmer Baba Sawant. “Even to get a 7x12 extract
we have to pay money to the government employee in the gram panchayat.
Computerisation and digitisation will be useless if government babus continue
to hold the documents.”
was the first State to computerise land records under the ‘Bhoomi Project’,
followed by Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Subsequently, the Centre introduced
the DILRMP in 2008.
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