World Bank Downgrades Ratings of Punjab Project
The Express Tribune Islamabad
Dated March 24, 2019
World Bank Downgrades
Ratings of Punjab Project
The World Bank has downgraded the
rating of a $100 million project, which it is financing in Punjab to reduce
poverty and joblessness, due to the provincial government’s failure to approve
a spatial strategy.
Punjab Jobs and Competitiveness Programme for
Result has been downgraded to ‘moderately satisfactory’ after its sixth review
held recently, according to the World Bank’s Status and Result Implementation
In March 2016, the Washington-based lender had
approved $100 million or Rs14 billion (at current exchange rate) under its
hybrid financing instrument Programme for Result (PfR). The PfR disbursements
are linked with progress on implementation of agreed set of conditions that
makes it different from usual budget or project financing.
It is for the first time that the lender has
lowered both the ratings on progress towards Achievement of Project Development
Objective and Implementation Progress to moderately satisfactory.
Earlier, in February 2017, the World Bank had only
cut the rating on Implementation Progress to moderately satisfactory, which was
subsequently revised upward.
The steps towards developing and implementing the
Provincial Spatial Strategy are facing delays as they are yet to be approved by
the provincial cabinet, according to the World Bank’s report. The due date for
approval of the strategy was October last year.
The government of Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has
also delayed the development of operating procedures and regulatory framework
for enforcement of the spatial strategy.
The World Bank had approved the loan as part of a
reform package that was ultimately aimed at lowering poverty and unemployment
rates by removing barricades to reforms. However, there has been criticism
against initiating reforms by taking foreign loans. It is believed that only
home-grown reforms can yield the desired results.
So far, the World Bank has disbursed $40 million
under the programme. The future disbursements of the remaining amount would be
linked with fulfilling the conditions that had been agreed at the time of
signing of the programme.
The updates to the Medium Term Development
Framework based on outcomes of the Punjab Spatial Strategy have also been
delayed. The capacity building for line departments to submit sectoral plans
for the Annual Development Plan consistent with the spatial strategy has also
been delayed.
The objective of the project is to contribute to
the competitiveness of Punjab by reducing the cost of doing business and
improving the hard and soft infrastructure in support of industry. The loan is
also aimed at supporting the industrial development objectives by improving
business environment regulatory reforms. These reforms have been planned to
remove impediments to swift business registration, getting permits and
licensing, contract enforcement and property registration.
The World Bank said that the targets of designing
and implementing a new institutional framework to support industrial estates
and clusters and restructuring of Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC)
and launch of two Cluster Development Initiatives are partially achieved.
The audit reports of Punjab Small Industrial
Corporation for previous fiscal years also remain pending.
The report noted that establishment of social units
in Punjab Industrial Estate Development and Management Company and Faisalabad
Industrial Estate Development and Management Company have also been delayed,
which were due in January 2017. The capacity building and establishment of
environmental monitoring centre and management information system for
Environment Protection Agency has also been delayed, which were due by end of
But the report acknowledged that so far activities
of the government of Punjab contributed towards improving Pakistan’s Doing
Business (DB) ranking by 11 points (from 147 to 136 out of 190 economies), for
the first time in 15 years. Lahore’s Distance to Frontier (DTF) increased by
3.17 percentage points against the target of 3 percentage points.
Punjab has also successfully institutionalised the
implementation of Doing Business reforms by notifying a Reform Working Group,
appointing Secretary (Planning and Development) as the provincial focal person
for leading reforms, and establishing a permanent reform secretariat as part of
the PIU.
The steps have also been taken to improve
compliance with GSP+ Labour Conventions. The Punjab Labour Department conducted
a legal gap analysis, which in addition to the drafting of two new labour laws
namely the Punjab Minimum Wages Act, 2018 and the Punjab Industrial Statistic
Act, 2018, has also proposed amendments in seven laws.
Several rules and subsidiary rules have also been
formulated which are being reviewed by the provincial Tripartite Consultation
The year two result under DLI 3 (Steps toward the
improvement of investment promotion Investments Announcements) has also been
achieved, as five investment announcements were made by the leading foreign
investors. The Punjab Board of Investment and Trade has also captured five
investment announcements worth $198 million.
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