Rabi crop sowing lags behind
The Hindu
November 16, 2018
Crop sowing in the ongoing winter (rabi) season is lagging
behind this year, with the acreage sown of most major crops lower than usual
for this time of year. Overall, 21% less acreage has so far been sown,
according to the data released by the Agriculture Ministry on Friday. Wheat, the major winter
crop, has been sown on just 51 lakh hectares this year, as against the average
85 lakh hectares in the corresponding week over the last five years. That is a
drop of almost 40%. However, compared to last year, the decrease is only 5%.
The major States where wheat sowing is lagging behind include Uttar
Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan, where the delay is partly due to the late harvesting
of the kharif paddy crop. Rabi crops are sown from October, while harvest
begins in March.
While the sowing of pulses is higher than the five-year average, it is 18%
lower than last year in the corresponding week. Farmers in Karnataka and
Maharashtra, which have been hit by drought, have covered less acreage than
last year.
Winter rice has been sown on 6.4 lakh hectares, a 25% drop from last
year’s acreage at this time. Almost all the coverage comes from Tamil Nadu.
Coarse cereals, such as bajra, ragi and jowar, are the worst hit, with
farmers planting only half the acreage that is usual for this time of year.
Total oilseed acreage is only slightly lower than usual, and the sowing of the
largest oilseed crop, rapeseed, is largely proceeding on schedule, according to
the data.
Reference: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/rabi-crop-sowing-lags-behind/article25520489.ece
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